The book is out !

This is a blog post I’ve wanted to write for a long time!

The book “Reinventing Organizations”, which I’ve spent much time on over the last 3 years, is… out! It can be purchased on,, or downloaded from the book’s website (in pdf/kindle/iBook format).

The book in at nutshell

Based on extensive research of pioneering organizations, the book tells the story of the emergence of a new management paradigm, a whole new way to structure and operate organizations. It makes for radically more soulful, purposeful and productive workplaces.

  • Part 1 of the book shows how in the past, at every turning point in history, we have transitioned to a more powerful management paradigm, and argues that we are ready for the next shift.
  • Part 2 describes in great detail how these organizations operate, based on a dozen case examples.
  • Part 3 discusses the necessary conditions and practical ways for new or existing organizations to adopt this new way of operating.

My hope is that the book contributes to the emergence of truly soulful organizations. The book uses cases examples from a wide range of industries (and geographies), and so I hope that it might inspire leaders not only of businesses, but also of nonprofits, schools or hospitals who are frustrated/disillusioned with the current way we run these places… but wonder if there is a better way.

In all these areas, we could really do with more inspiring and purposeful organizations!

Two experiments in abundance

I’m quite excited about an experiment that I dubbed “Pay-What-Feels-Right”. From the book’s website, readers can download the book at a fixed price of $9.95. Or they can download it freely, and receive an automatic email a month later inviting them to gift back whatever value they feel they have received from the book. It’s an experiment in abundance, and I’m curious how it will play out.

Also, in the same spirit of abundance, I’ve decided to share the book for free with networks that work towards a better world. For instance, all 2,000 social entrepreneurs of Ashoka’s network will receive the book and hopefully many will be inspired to infuse their efforts with the book’s ideas!

(If you know of a network that would want to participate, feel free to let them know they can contact me if interested.)

A wonderful launch so far

The book has been out for a few days now, and it’s doing fantastically well! Some very big names in the field have endorsed the book, and one of them, Ken Wilber (who wrote the foreword) sent out an email to his massive number of followers, which really helped to launch the book.

In the last few days, I’ve received wonderful emails from readers. And I’ve already been contacted for translation into German and Danish. This is all starting on a much bigger note than I anticipated, and I couldn’t be more happy :-)

If you want to help

It would be wonderful if you could help to spread the word! You can

  • forward this message to people you feel would be interested in the topic
  • talk about it on Facebook/Twitter/Linked-in…

If you read the book, you can also share passages you particularly like on relevant Linked-In groups, Facebook groups etc. It’s a great way for other people to get a taste for the book’s content.

If you have any other ideas to help the ideas in the book to spread, don’t be shy, I’d love to hear them :-)



★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“A spectacular treatise! Truly pioneering work.”
—Ken Wilber, from the Foreword

“Richly researched—a stimulating and inspiring read!”
— Robert Kegan, Harvard University’s Meehan Professor of Adult Learning

«Everything you need to know about building a new paradigm organization!»
— Richard Barrett, Chairman and founder of the Barrett Values Centre

“Impressive! Brilliant! This book is a world-changer”
—Jenny Wade, Ph.D., Author of Changes of Mind

“Sweeping and brilliant in scope. Exhilarating and deeply hopeful.”
—Norman Wolfe, Author of The Living Organization

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